Lisa Dallenbach

Leadership Development, Talent Management, Performance Management, Workforce Planning
Leadership Development, Performance Management, Talent Management, Workforce Planning
Lisa Dallenbach

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Lisa Dallenbach is a Human Resources executive with proven results in high growth, entrepreneurial, fast-paced environments. Valued for leading growth, scaling organizations at critical inflection points, and strategically building relationships that achieve business outcomes. Having served as both a client and in service to client accounts for 10 + years- Lisa deeply understands the complexities of the business in parallel with the critical need to evolve and grow our talent to support growth goals for companies such as:

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She is a leader that understands growth challenges and the need to develop dynamic solutions that scale to drive lasting value and impact.  She can prioritize focusing on the long and short-term goals that support the business while creating a culture and vision for the workplace. Lisa is innovative yet pragmatic and results-oriented. Readiness for the future is critical, but she is also an ardent believer in the near term “micro moves” on an organization’s growth journey. These are the moments that allow us to continue to evolve and remain agile and relevant.

Her passion for evolving organizations is matched only by her deep belief in the need for a people-first, human, and partner-oriented approach to talent and HR. She has had the opportunity to work with incredible leaders and craft our collective journey. It is with great pride that she has built teams that are consistently strategic, thoughtful, and deeply involved in our commitment to making an organization the best it can be.